Question arises what is unsecured debt consolidation? Let me give some brief on what are unsecured debt and the categorization of debt. Basically debt is been categorized into two types secured debt and the unsecured debt. Secured debt has a property attached to it. This can be either a vehicle or furniture. Secured debt has any item attached to the credit. This item can be confiscated if the person fails to pay back the money. This is the security to the creditor if he does not get his money back.
Unsecured debt includes credit card debts, payday loans, medical bills, etc. The important point is the fact that in unsecured debt you should not to worry about loosing anything to it. But, it has higher interest rates than secure loan. If you are not able to pay back to your creditors in time, your creditors won’t spare you.
At the time of financial crunch, where people do not have enough finance to survive, it is very difficult to pay back once you borrowed money.
The best way to escape from unsecured debt is to opt debt settlement. It is the perfect solution to get rid of debt. There are many debt relief companies that provide free debt advice and support to the people in debt.
It is better to get rid of debt before it gets too late. Interest rates increase rapidly giving less time to the stumbled borrower to pay back the money and have a clean financial record. Act smart and wise to wipe off your unsecured debt. Once unsecured debt is been settled it will help you to spent life debt free.
Debt is not always a bad thing. Sometimes it helps to full fill the dream. It make possible to buy home, purchase a new car or send child to college for higher studies. Only matter is how wisely one can manage their debt. Many American families have allowed their debt to get out of control, but there are smart steps one can remedy the problem.
Consider consolidation People often collect various debts over the years and end up paying off many small loans that all carry different interest rates. Consolidating all of these debts into one, is better choice because once you consolidate your debt into one, it would be very easy to pay. You should only take out a consolidation loan if you can find an attractive, low interest rate, which will allow you to pay less in finance charges and which will translate into a lower monthly payment. Make a new plan Debt consolidation and lowering your interest rates are great steps, but it’s important, too, to ensure that you don’t slide into debt again. Make your budget if you are not able to stop your day to day overspending. Once you are done with your budget makes sure that it not exceeds the expenses. Creating an emergency fund can help to safeguard your finances when illness or loss of a job strikes.
Consult an expert Contact an expert for advice about managing debts or any other financial issues. They can also provide advice on how to create budget so that you can use your finance efficiently. Expert can help you to assess consolidation loans or compare your borrowing options. These are some small tips that may help you manage your debt and lead your life debt free.
No doubts, credit card definitely helps to increase credit score, if it is been used properly. So, as you use your credit cards, keep these tips in mind to avoid credit card debt.
Avoid keeping so many credit cards Do not keep so many credit with your self this would help you keep control over your expenses and as well as it would be easy to remember and maintain the account of cards. Cut down on the number of credit cards in your wallet to avoid credit card debt.
Keep enough cash Try to avoid making payments from your credit cards. And always keep enough cash with you so that you can make cash payments that definitely help you to keep away from credit card debt. Understand your credit card terms Before applying for any credit card, read through your credit card agreement and make sure you understand how interest will be applied to your account, when will you be charged a fee, and when does your interest rate go up. Understanding these features would help you to use your credit card efficiently and also helps you avoid credit card debt. Charge only what you can afford Avoid the mistake of using a credit card to buy things you really can’t afford. You can avoid credit card debt by purchasing only what you can afford to pay for.
Avoid using credit cards for shopping You can also avoid making any purchases with your credit card and especially during peak buying seasons such as Christmas. Credit card companies charge you more interest during these peak seasons because they know that everyone is buying more items with their credit cards.
Make full payments Pay your balance in full each month. If you want to avoid credit card debt, pay off your credit card balance every month. That way, you’ll never carry a balance.
Keeping your credit card debts under control is not easy for some people but we can all learn to avoid the many pitfalls that we all get used to falling into. These are some points that definitely help to keep away from credit card debt.
If you have bad credit scores, several loans in default or if it looks like things might be going in that direction, one option that you have is bill consolidation. Bill consolidation is a process where you consolidate all of your bills into one account and make just one repayment for multiple credit cards and loan debts. Bill consolidation helps you get rid of excessive interest rates. This helps to manage finances in a better way, because once have a clear picture of monthly repayment liability.
Bill consolidation can be the catalyst that really helps you to tackle your growing debt. It is step which shows your creditors that you are serious about your repayment.
Bill consolidation companies combine all bills from multiple creditors into one account. After consolidation, you make just one monthly payment to the debt consolidation service and they will pay to creditors. The debt consolidation company will negotiate for lower interest rates and for waivers on all penalty fees. In effect, monthly payment after bill consolidation goes more towards reduction of principal debt and one can see the end of debt trap. Some time it is helpful to choose a bill consolidation loan. The debt consolidation company will help you secure a loan with good terms that you can afford.
Some benefits of bill consolidation are as follows:-
Easier Maintenance of Payments
It is very easy to remember one date of payment. In bill consolidation all your bills are consolidated into one account and it is to maintain rather than maintaining many accounts. Bill consolidation gives an opportunity to make a bad situation better. It won't totally erase what owe; however, it will make it more manageable.
Lower Interest Rates
Bill consolidation also helps in the long run. Because interest rates are so much lower, you will save an incredible amount of money that would ordinarily go to the interest on your debt. In this way, you are left with sufficient cash to take care of your needs.
Once you decide to be debt free, bill consolidation is the best way to pay off your debt.
This also helps to manage finances in a better way.
Success of a person depends on many factors but the most important factor is living life without debt. People owe money to fulfill their requirements but most of the loan borrowers will find difficult to repay. It is easy to get loans. However it is hard to manage the financial situation by repaying the loan. Difficulty in repaying the loan is one of most common problems that are faced by many people and it act as hindrances in their success.
Choosing to become debt free totally changes the life. It allows putting hopes and dreams at the top of the budget. Dreaming about something and putting at the priority always helps them to achieve the dream easily, and once dream is been achieved it act as motivation factor for them. Thinking beyond and have dare to achieve that dream becomes the part of their normal behavior and attitudes.
Finance and development are correlated with each other. For e.g- thinking of purchasing a house when enough finance is not available, it makes it really very difficult task. And the times come when they will stop thinking to purchase house.
By keeping some points in mind once can live debt free:
Stop adding to your debt
Cut up the credit cards and throw away the checks so you can't bounce one. Do not sign up for any more credit cards or loan offers.
Pay with cash only
Try to pay cash rather than using credit card. It will help to keep away from debt.
Change your way of thinking
Way of thinking matters a lot in the development of any individuals. Think twice when you invest money and also consider its return on investment.
That definitely helps to decide how to use finance efficiently.
Debt free life always helps people to think beyond and motivates them to achieve them while planning the budget. And ultimately it helps in their development.
Debt free living is a dream that everyone lives .Debt, whenit become a part of any one’s life it is very difficult to manage day to day activities. Debt sometimes it comes in life willingly or sometime our need forced us to owe money. In both situations once we came under debt it is very difficult to decide which is right way to get out of debt is? Is it filing for bankruptcy? No, this in not an option to get out of debt. It will hamper credit score.
I have a great idea to lead your life debt free without hampering your credit score. Debt Consolidation is the best way to lead debt free life. You can always consult Debt consolidation company regarding debt relive advice or to consolidate your debt.
Debt Consolidation manages your finance in a systematic manner. Debt consolidation companies guide you with their advice and clear all your doubts. Debt consolidation provides you practical solutions to your debt problem so that you can come out of the clutches of the debt easily and effortlessly.
Debt consolidation reduces your debt to manageable limit roughly about 40%-60%. They arrange one convenient monthly payment. You can easily pay the consolidated amount to your creditor. It helps you in removing interest and late fees on your payment.
Debt consolidation helps you to eliminate creditor harassment. Because once you go under debt consolidation process, your negotiator will attend those calls and negotiate with them.
Besides justifying its literal meaning, debt consolidation can do wonders to your debt situation. Debt consolidation will show you how to develop a plan of action that will help you to achieve a debt free life. Debt free life is the key to financial freedom and debt consolidation will help you to achieve this.
Development and growth of any country and country’s people is depends on the Budget of that country. Budget 2010 is just around the corner and everyone was hoping to get some relief from inflation. The common man had a lot to expect from the government in terms of sops and tax cuts. When budget was announced it gives relaxation to lots of people. It would also play an important role in reducing the debt, because people can save more money that would help them to pay off their debt.
I would like to discuss some of the points of current budget.
Income tax slabs has revised. Now the people need not have to pay such high income tax to the government. They can save more money and that money can also be used for personal development.
For the development of infrastructure which accounts 46 per cent of the total plan allocation. Allocation of road transport has been also increased by 13 percent from last budget. Development of infrastructure helps in industrialization,generation of more employmentandincrease living standards of people. These all elements are interrelated and help to build the complex system of any country.
A Nutrient Based Subsidy policy for the fertilizer sector has been approved. For agriculture growth, credit support will be provided to farmers and food processing sector. That would help farmers in increasing production. Five more mega food parks are going to be set up in near future.
Plan allocation for school education increased by 16 per cent. To reduce illiteracy rate of female, the Government has recast the National Literacy Mission. It would help to increase the literacy rate of country.
Every budget has some pros and cons, and the same goes for this budget. But this time budget has brought happy colors infrastructure, agriculture and education system. That would definitely bring positive results.
I believe there are lots of benefits of debt relief. It is designed in such a way so that it can provide much needed relief to individual or families who are in debt. Debt relief helps many individuals to save there financial and emotional disorder. Seeking debt relief is not the only way to get out of debt, but it sometimes the only way that many individuals are able continue on with their life. The benefits of debt relief can literally be lifesaving to an individual or family those who are in debt.
There are many benefits of debt relief.
Way Out of Debt
Debt relief is a way out of debt. Debt relief options, such as debt consolidation programs and debt settlements, may not get you debt right away, but you will be on the right path. They offer individuals relief from having to pay their debt when they may not have the entire money do to so.
Finance Back on Track
Debt relief helps debtors to keep back finance on track. An unpaid bill on a credit report can have a negative impact on future when trying to purchase a home, a vehicle, obtain a personal loan or a credit card. Participating in a debt relief program will often lessen the amount of money that have to pay to a creditor. It makes easier for debtor to pay their debt.
Learning and Experience
Once out of debt many individuals will keep that experience and everything that they learned about debt with them. It almost never happened that once an individual is clear of debt never return to it. It also provides debt assistance that helps debtor to tackle debt.
Help to Deal with Creditors
It is understandable that creditors once owe money want to contact them but after a period of time these became threatening. But it is an essential step in getting debt paid off. When creditors come to know that their debtor is participating in debt relief program they are at ease that their money will be on way, therefore making unnecessary call to debtors is useless.
The above mentioned benefits of debt relief are just a few of the many. Debt relief help is easy to obtain and with all of the benefits of debt relief there is no reason why you or anyone else should have to stay in debt any longer then you have to.
There has been a total attitudinal change among owners towards the finance manager. He is no longer referred to as my accountant. Instead of being a commodity, the finance manager is now a part of the top management. The finance manager does not cover the routine duties of finance and accounting. As a member of top management he is also responsible for formulation and implementation of policies and decision making.
The finance manager job has vastly changed. Earlier it was a support function now it is mainline. And finance itself has been a profit center.
In these competitive times, survival depends largely on an organization’s capabilities to anticipate and prepare for change rather than just react to it. The role of the financial officer, thus, becomes crucial to meet these technological, economic and political, changes.
Key challenges of Finance Manager
Investment Planning
Investment planning focuses on effective investment strategies and to analyze the risk associate with it. Finance manager is responsible for analyze the risk and help management to reduce this risk so that it does not affect the financial goal of an organization.
Financial Structure
Financial structure is the way in which company assets are financed such as short term, borrowings long term debt, and equity. Finance manager analyze the government rules and regulation, banks norms, capability of the organization and the available options in the market to finance the companies assets. That helps management to decide which option is profitable for the organization.
Treasury Operations
Treasury operations is basically the overall responsibility for administering the banking functions of organization, cash management and investment services. These all activities are directly linked with the growth of organization and profit.
Investor Communication
Finance department provides investors with an accurate account of the company's affairs. This helps investors to make informed buy or sell decisions.
Management Control
Control is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, directing etc.
It basically includes the three steps, to set the standards, measure actual performance and taking corrective action. Finance manager help organization to set the targets and helps organization to achieve that target by continuously monitoring the actual performance with set standards.
Clearly, the clout of the finance manager is growing along with the change in his role and reforms in the financial sector gather speed, this trend will only increase.
Financial managers aim to boost the levels of resources at their disposal. Besides, they control the functioning on money put in by external investors. Providing investors with sufficient amount of returns on their investments is one of the goals that every company tries to achieve. Efficient financial management ensures that this becomes possible.
Question arises: Should we go for debt consolidation or not.
I belief it is good and we must go for debt consolidation. It is a process that helps to lower the monthly interest rate on your debt. Debt consolidation is intended to help people manage their budget and pay off debts sooner.
Advantages of Debt Consolidation
Improved Interest Rates
High interest rate sometimes becomes a reason for most of the consumers get caught in debt. When you go for debt to rectify this situation, debt reduction plans focus first and foremost on improving the interest rates of your debts. Your debt consolidation program will coordinate with your creditors in order to arrange the best interest rates possible for you. More reasonable interest rates allow a larger portion of your payments to be applied to the principal of your debt instead of interest, thus diminishing your balances faster.
Manageable Monthly Payments
Once the debt is been consolidated and interest rates are adjusted, monthly payments will improve to ease the burden they place on budget. One can enjoy paying their debt with fewer burdens and can easily manage their monthly expenses.
Become Debt Free Quickly
Debt consolidation helps to pay down debt in the shortest amount of time possible.
It helps to minimize the amount of money that spends on interest. Instead of spending decades making minimum payments, you can be done with debt once and for all after you complete your debt consolidation program.
Credit Rating Improvements
Debt consolidation also helps to improve the credit ratings. After debt consolidation one’s may be able to pay down their debt rapidly. This may improve your credit rating in the process. Lower balances on your accounts may improve your credit utilization ratio, which is an important factor creditors use to determine your credit score.
Saving Money
Debt consolidation helps to increase savings. Once debt is been consolidated the monthly interest rate is been reduced. One’s can save that money to pay of debt or can use the money to invest, save, or make the purchases that delayed because of debt obligations.
Financial statement is also known as financial statement analysis or accounting analysis. Every firm is most concerned with its profitability. Financial analysis is a best way to determine the profit of an organization. Financial ratios are the primary method used to analyze a company's financial statements.
Through this statement, it becomes easy for an organization to make comparison between past profit and the current profit. It is also used in budget planning for the next year.
Benefits of financial statements analysis
Keep Current on Debts
The Current Ratio analysis is the total current assets divided by the current liabilities on balance sheet. This can help to determine whether have adequate liquidity to meet upcoming debts.
Determine Profit Margins
Companies can determine their profit margins with the help of financial statement analysis. Companies can determine their cost of production. Gross Margin Percentage is used to determine this, which is total revenue less cost of sales divided by total revenue. Use this to help reduce the costs of production and help to increase the efficient utilization of resources. That ultimately contributes in growth of profit of a company.
Track Inventory
Inventory management is an important function of any organization. With the help of financial analysis any organization can better manage the inventory. Turn over ratio is used to determine whether it meets projected sales figures or not.
Determine Debt to Equity
A Debt-to-Equity Ratio determines how much total liabilities are in relation to equity in the business on a balance sheet.
See Improvement over Time
Companies can compare their financial statement numbers over time to spot trends and changes that affect business. With the help of this companies can determine the risk factors and can make plans to reduce these risk factors.
Helps in Bench Marking
Benchmarking is the process of determining who is the very best, and help to sets the standards. With the help of financial statement companies can set their bench mark.
The Financial Analysis performs in-depth analysis of the company’s financial and operating results independently and prepares management reports.
The financial statements are ultimately the "scorecard" for the company's performance .and it also helps to determine the strength of an organization.
If you are in debt and planning to get relive out of it. You can always go for debt counseling services. There are many debt counseling companies that provide counseling to individuals and companies who struggle with their short term and long term financial obligations. In fact many companies provide free counseling and some companies take few money for counseling. They guide the debtors to work out realistic budget planning.
Services provided by Debt Counseling Companies
These companies provide advice and analysis to people those who are in deep debt and guide them how to get out of debt.
They help to set up a realistic household budget and financial action plan.
They guide to take control of and reduce debt.
Debt Relief Programs
They create debt relief programs which will help the clients to reduce their debt obligations. And most over it help to under stand the steps to reduce debt and make plan accordingly.
Lower the monthly payment amount
These companies help to lower the monthly payments of debtor.
Provide money management education
Awareness plays an important role in success. In debt counseling they provide education that how you can efficiently manage your money. They help you to point out your mistakes that you have done in planning your expenses.
Protect Credit Scores
These companies protect debtors credit Scores being damaged.
Debt Negotiation and Review
These companies negotiate with the creditors to settle down the debts.
They review the clients' financial position before the commencement of debt negotiation. Once negotiation starts they handle all the necessary documentations during the debt negotiation process.
Debt counseling services definitely help one’s to reduce their debt as well as provide guidance to keep away from debt. They also provide education to manage money in efficiently.
Infrastructure is an important criterion of calculating the development of country. Infrastructure includes metro rail project, over bridge, ports, corporate buildings, Investment in real estate, Power plant, financial institutions, Hospitals, Schools and Colleges, communications systems, etc.
Today these all elements are interrelated and help to build the complex system of any country. Government invests a huge part of income of country on the development of infrastructure.
Contribution of Infrastructure and Finance
Help in Industrialization
Developments of infrastructure contribute a lot in growth of industries. Development in communication system help to carried out all business process more optimally that helps to increase the profit of companies. That ultimately increases the profit of country.
Over bridge and metro rail project help in transportation.
Generate more employment
For any project man power are required and after completion of any project they need to hire people to carried out the activities. For example after completion of metro rail project they need to hire people for ticket counter, security, driver, etc.
Ultimately it helps to generate employment that helps to increase the per ca pita income of country.
Development of financial institutions
Development of financial institution act as catalyst to carried out the activities of business process. Expansion in same product line or in different product line, companies required finance. The capital requirement of the company is full filled by these institutions. They are also making considerable efforts to facilitate the process of emergence of new entrepreneurs for setting up enterprises in small scale sector.
It helps to develop the backward region and motivate people to become an entrepreneur.
That ultimately contributes in growth of country.
Increase living standards
Employments, industrialization, and development of entrepreneurship ultimately help people to become financially strong and increase their standard of living.
Promote foreign Trade
Supports from financial institutions help business man to trade outside the country. It is an important factor of the development of any country.Foreign trade helps in the optimum use of natural resources.It ensures the presence of stable price by avoiding wide fluctuations in prices. It tries to equalize the world price.It enables a country to import those goods which it cannot produce.It ensures large production because the production is carried on to meet the demand of its people as well as world market. Large scale production also ensures a great deal of internal economies which reduces the cost of production.
All above points proves that infrastructure and finance are the important key factor for development of country. It also helps in growth of individuals
Dream of becoming rich is not so difficult it is only possible when one knows how to manage finance. For this you need to understand your goals and needs. When you thought through what you really want your personal finances to look like, you can go seek help from your bank. Banks can provide you with personalized finance solutions. They can help you better manage your finances. This is why many people seek advice about personal finance from professionals.
Banks help you to improve your finance such ways.
Consult to bank advisor
One can always consult to a bank advisor about their finance and what are the financial solutions are available that can work for your benefit. Bank advisor always help you to plan your financial decision. They will also give guidance to improve finance for your future. Even if you have a concrete plan that includes all your wants and needs, but only a vague idea about what your financial future looks like, you should still drop in for help. They are there to guide you in your quest for personal financial liberation. They are there to help you--and you should utilize their services: that's what they are there for.
Services provided by banks
The type of services offered by a bank help you to improve your money. They directly take deposits from the general public and issue checking and Savings account. And it would help you to keep control of your money. Banks also give interest on your deposited money after a period of time. You can also take loan from bank if you are planning to start your personal business. Banks are ready to help you if your idea is nice.
They are not our enemy if one’s want to improve there finance they can always ask for help to banks. They are there to help us in planning our finance and also provide many services that help us to save money. One can improve their finance by taking help of banks.
It is no longer a dream to start one’s own business or to expand his business to take the advantage of prevailing opportunities. As of now it is only a matter of determining the ways that are available to finance a business at right time, so that it can succeed.
Broadly speaking there are main six ways available to finance your business.
Supplier credit
It is the simplest way to obtained fund for business. Companies buy goods and services and have anywhere from seven days till 6 months to pay for them; when companies need more credit from suppliers the financial controllers will negotiate with suppliers for longer credit terms.
Lease financing
Instead of purchasing the equipment, one can choose to lease equipment - this is a form of financing. Cars, computers and heavy equipment can be financed for a period of time. And then have the option to either return it or buy it at a reduced price.
Bank Loan
Many banks provide loans with fixed or variable rate of interest. It is based on size of business and the growth opportunity of that particular industry in which one is going to invest.
Bank overdraft
A bank overdraft may be a good source of short-term finance to help a business. Banks provide a credit limit according the amount available in one’s account. The main advantage of overdraft is that the interest is calculated on daily basis.
Stock Issues
Issuing stock of your company is great source of arranging finance. It represents an ownership in the business and in all of its assets. Equity shares, preferential shares and debentures can be floated in the market to arrange huge funds.
Factoring is a process which immediately allows the company to receive money based on the value of its outstanding invoices as well as to receive payment of future invoices more quickly. Factoring companies generally pays up to eighty percent of amount of the bill.
All such techniques are to be used in accordance with the nature of the business and prevalent market conditions.
No doubt, one can manage their own finance and also family requirements with the help of internet. Now internet is not only a medium of knowledge or only means of communication. It has become a partner of every one’s life. “Finance” when this word comes into mind then suddenly we start thinking about our needs. Internet is directly helping us to full fill the needs of family, through increasing earnings of us.
Question arises “How we can increase finance from Internet?”
There are many ways through which we can earn money form Internet.
Online data entry
Data entry has become a back bone for all industries. It is only way to manage their data base so that it can be used for research and for planning and most important for risk analysis.
Many companies offer online data entry program. They ask to get registered with them. After registration companies sent you the data and you have to enter all data according to their desire format. It is the easiest way to earn money through internet.
Become an Affiliate
It is related with affiliate marketing. Many companies offer you to join their affiliate program and you have to send traffic to their website by placing company’s banner or any ads on your resource. You will act as mediator between traffic and the companies. For this company will pay you commission and through this way you can earn money.
Buying and selling internet businesses
It can be a good option to develop a website and put premium content into it. You can sell it in the web market in the highest bid.
Selling your own advertising space is one of the most lucrative monetization methods.
You can provide space on your website for advertisement and for this company would pay you charges according to your website traffic potential.
Audio Ads: is another option for advertisement. This concept is pretty simple: play a small audio advertising (usually 5 seconds) every time a visitor enters into your website. The user should not be able to stop it, creating a 100% conversion rate based on unique visitors.
In-text adverting: These links come with a double underline to differentiate them from normal links, and once the user rolls the mouse over the link the advertising will pop. Should the user click on it the site owner will make some money.
Sell Your Own Product (E-Goods and hard goods)
Internet can help you to sell out your hard goods with the help of online marketing and you can reduce the advertisement cost because you will be the advertiser and the seller both.
You can also make money by offering different services like Offering Consulting and Related Services.
You can also sell E-Books. It has great demand and you can make money.
Selling templates or word press themes can be an option to make money.
Pay per click plan used by advertisement companies to attract more traffic. They pay for each click on advertisement to their visitors.
Now we can answer very easily how internet is helping in increasing of family finance.
These all above medium are available in internet world that will help us to earn lots of money.
The holiday season has always been a time when you spend your money for enjoyment, celebration and gifts. Sometimes pocket won’t allow then also we spend. It has become a reason for increase in debt amount. Now, time has come to make a fresh start. There’s no better New Year’s resolution than to pay off your debts and clean up your credit record. So that for whole year you will be out of debt and can spend your each day without any tension.
To stay out of debt you need to take some decision.
Do's to stay from debt
Clear all previous debt.
If you have debt already on your head try to pay off. It would really help you to take new decision in your life.
Make budget according to your pocket.
When you prepare budget see your income and accordingly make your expenses. It will help to set priority in budget and controlling your finance.
Always keep enough cash with you.
When you go for shopping always keep sufficient cash with you and keep care of it that whatever you purchase that would come under the cash available with you.
Keep track of expenses.
Monitor and identified your hidden expenses, and take out the solution how to stop it.
Save money.
What ever money is left at the end of month try to save it rather than spend it. So that when you required extra money you can easily manage it from your savings.
Invest money for plans like retirement plan, provident fund etc.
Be futuristic, and invest money in such plans so that you need not to be worried about your future.
Do review your credit reports.
After a period of time keeps reviewing your credit reports so that you will be aware of your debt status.
Do make sure safe investments are actually safe.
Take advices from your financial adviser before investment and make it sure that it safe and help you to create your wealth.
Don’ts to stay from debt
Avoid payments from credit card.
Do not use credit card for making payments when you go for shopping or restaurant or any where.
Avoid copied others.
Avoid copied other life style. Spend life in such a way that would come with in your income.
Avoid borrowing money for debt consolidation.
Do not take loan or borrow money for your debt. It will not keep you to away from debt.
Don't invest in anything you don't understand.
When you are not aware of something then do not invest money in that things because it would become very difficult to handle.
Don't forgo necessary insurance.
Don't take more risk than you can handle.
Before taking risk think twice or thrice that how much risky it is? And will you be able to face it or not.
Don’t overpay your debts.
Keep sufficient money with you so that you can spend it for whole month. Then pay your debt whatever extra money is left with you.
Ignore credit card offers.
Do not run after the offer given by credit card companies. Ultimately you will have to pay that amount.
By keeping all this things in mind it becomes very easy to start New Year with lots of fun and joy with out having any tension.