Sunday, December 27, 2009

are you having sleepless nights because of your finances

Many people have lots of tension and sleepless night because of debt and when they are not be able to manage their finances.
Why sleepless night due to finance --- because when a person work for whole day and at the end of day when he returns home he won’t be able to fulfill the financial requirement of their family and as well as his own financial requirement.
Sometimes due to lack of finance, when people won’t be able to fulfill their social and status need, this also becomes a reason of sleepless night.
Let me discuss the theory of Maslow that is directly related to the human response with their financial capability and requirement.
It is also known as - Maslow need hierarchy theory,


Esteem Needs

Social Needs

Safety Needs

Physiological Needs

According to his theory,
He said, when people start earning money, at first they want to fulfill their basic requirements, when it fulfills then they start thinking to safe money for future prospects, then after they come to third stage, where they want to develop social relationship through many ways like working for human welfare, charity, kitty party etc. and so on. All stages are directly interlinked with finance. When they won’t be able to find this growth or development in their self it tends them to think over it due to lack of satisfaction.
This is not only reasons when they don’t sleep for whole night, there are some other reasons also,
Sometime people won’t understand why and how it happens?
Either it is mismanagement of finance or I am not able to judge what the right way to manage the finance?

Other than this one of major reason of sleepless night is Debt,
Having debts is a drawback that most individuals face. Oftentimes, the individuals who fall into debts are those people who don't have control over their spending habits.
If you have debt problems, you know that they can be something that takes your life and turns it into something that you might not even be able to recognize. Having debt problems is something that can take a regular life and make it a complete mess, and this happens very quickly, it might seem. In fact, most people spiral out of control until they have no idea how they got there or how to get out.
Only lack of money donot cause sleepless night sometime excessive money also becomes the reason for it.
How and where to invest?
So that it can be efficient utilized and return on investment is also high. It is not only matter of investment but also after investment there are many rules and norms to be fulfilled, then to keep track of all investments, etc.

So remember, you need to get yourself organized first, and once you have done this, you can better utilize your finance. Even it will help you to keep away from debt and any other financial crises.
Maintaining a debt free living is terribly rewarding because you will not spend countless hours worrying, instead you'll be able to use these hours to spend time together with your family
It also helps in management of finance and efficient utilization of finance.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Understanding finance to make your life easier

I am quite sure; this article will definitely help to understand the mystery of finance. Understanding finance includes everything. Either you are going to invest money in purchasing an insurance policy or deposit into bank. It may also refer to your personal financial situation, or it could be your investment in business or in purchasing of loan.

Finance is involved in your life in many ways. For example: you have taken a loan to purchase a car, why bank would loan you money for purchasing a car?

How they are going to get benefit? They are benefited by percent of interest that you will pay to bank for your loan. As Interest is an integral part of finance. Before taking any loan you must consider rate of interest on loan.
So that you will able to pay your interest that help you to keep away from tension and it will also save your money.

Planning is very important not only for companies or businesses but for home. You can better understand your finance by preparing your personal budget according to your financial situation, so that you can make your investment more valuable.

While preparing your budget you must take care of your priorities of investment, you can start from your basic necessities like food, education, bills, clothes etc.

Budget also helps you to understand finance in different ways.

• What is going on
It helps you to know how much money you have. Budget is more like a self education tool that provides information regarding all investment and where to invest and how to invest.

• Controlling
Budget helps to makes easy for us to save and have extra money. By simply tracking your expenses and income and controlling how much you spend on variable expenses.

• Extra money
Budget definitely help to produce extra money, because it overcomes hidden expenditure that we normally don’t care or not able to recognize at the end.

• Take advantage of opportunities
You can take better decisions, because when you will know your personal monetary affairs, and being in control of them, it allows you to take advantage of opportunities that you might otherwise miss.

So, I believe that it is very important for all of you to understand your personal finances well in advance in order to make all the wise decisions, especially in the time of economic turn down. It is advisable that you plan a budget for yourself and your family and strictly follow it.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Benefits of Personal Finance Software

In recent coming years, people will find things are changed around them. People will start thinking to save and maintain their finance to track their expenses, but they will not get time to maintain their all expenses. After at end of the month, they cannot decide, how to save their money.

Few years back IT companies had thanked and researched over it, after research they said,

“People will not get time for themselves, they will be loaded with lots of work and responsibilities and it will be very difficult to maintain their financial records, not only maintenance s of record but also their different work related to finance in their everyday life.”

Now you can find many types of software available in market that will only need to be installed on your computer and in less time you can maintain and track all your finance related work.

Some examples of personal financial software are Tally, Draft creator, Money forecaster, Downloader XL, Home budget, Checkbook ease freeware etc.

Tally is a financial accounting software package that is developed by Tally solution mainly for small business and shops. It helps to record all transaction and as well as it also provide facilities like government supported format, online transaction and processing, etc. It is also used for inventory management.

Draft creator is used to create draft with the help of online banking facilities provided by banks. It can also be sent over internet.

Money forecaster helps to analyze your income and expenses. And accordingly it will forecast your financial future.

Down loader XL is helpful for those who deal in stock exchange. It downloads historical and real quotes of any share in excel spreadsheet. One can easily analyze where to invest.

One can use home budget personal financial software to prepare their home budget. One can keep track of bills, credit card, and bank account.

Checkbook ease freeware can provide you the update of available balance of your account and also to make payments through check.

Benefits of using personal financial software can be decided as per different uses of software.

  • Accurate Account Balances

All purchases, sales, payments, credits, are recorded, and then financial software processed all the transaction and help to know the current account status. It also helps to avoid math error in the accounts.

  • Detailed Budgeting:

With the help of tally one can also prepare their budget. It can be done in two ways one can do it manually according to their requirement or software also provide the facilities of wizard, these are inbuilt format of budget and just following some steps once can create their budget. It becomes very easy to compare and monitor the actual expenditure and planned budget that help to keep on track.

Modification or any changes in budget can also be decided very easily.

  • Track and Analyze Investments

Using these software help you to keep track of expenses and investment can be analyzed with defined budget after making comparison.

  • Schedule Transactions

Schedule bills, paychecks, deposits and fund transfers can be done through financial software so all transactions are on time. Automatic transactions reduce data entry work it will automatically recorded by software. One can save time and can make easily payments within due date.

It would not be so difficult to maintain all of your financial expenditure in less time also when any body is uploaded with lots of responsibilities and tasks. It can only be possible when personal financial software is used. It also helps to be financially strong with low risk.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Junk Bond

A bond that is rated below investment rate at the time of purchase is known as Junk Bond or High Yield Bond. These types of bond carry high risk of default but they do pay higher yield than the quality bonds which we find thereby making them attractive to the investors.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Option Time Value

Option time value consists of two parts namely intrinsic value and time value.The difference between option value and intrinsic value is the time value. The variation in strike price and spot price is the intrinsic value and its value will never be higher than the option value. Option value on the other hand is derived from the Binomial model.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Initial Public Offer

The offering of shares and stocks made by a company for the first time to the public is known as the Initial public offering. The main objective of such offering is to raise capital which would be used for business expansion. Private owned companies also offers shares because this gives them a chance to become a public traded company. The company wishing to offer such shares can take the help of Underwriting Firms who helps in determining the best offering price and the time when such shares should be made public.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Share Activist

A share activist is a person who takes part in the management of a corporation by using equity stakes. The main constituent of such a shareholder lies in comparative cheapness which may be enough to carry out a flourishing promotion. Relational Investors LLL, Santa Monica Partners Opportunity Fund LP are some well known share activist.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


ARBITRAGE is a term used when some advantage is taken in a situation where there is an imbalance between two markets. Here arbitrageur earns profits even though he doesn't invest anything. This works on the principle of “law of one price “which means same price trading in all markets.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Royalties are payment made for using one’s asset or intellectual property and is ascertained as a percentage of net sales which is derived from the use of such asset. It generally means ownership in percentage from a given property. The terms and conditions are defined in a license agreement which includes copyrights, patents, trademarks and many other important clauses. License agreement is generally owned by government but in some cases it can also go to private hands.